Thursday, January 12, 2017


Lately, my mom brain has been moving 120 MPH.
I can't relax, and I think about what I have to do next. It's making me go crazy.
Being a mom, and a wife, if makes you put others way before you. Being a mom is so
selfless, and its the greatest gift.

Before I had Nixon, and I could go to the gym whenever I wanted, I would go to yoga class and Dirty Dancing(so fun)!
I love yoga, I love the way it makes me feel whole. I get relaxed, and feel healthy in my own skin.
It's a good work out. Some people hate it, and I don't understand how you could.
Being a mom, its so hard to work out! Or just leave the house!
For me, when I work out, I have to have a clean house. Why? It's the mom brain.
So its a lot more work for me to work out. PLUS I have to do it before Nixon takes his morning nap, so I can shower when he sleeps.
Anyways, I'm getting off topic.... holy.

I've been doing yoga at home, and I've been having a hard time to relax. I feel like I have 5 voices in my head all the time. Thinking about 10 different things.
So lately, I've been trying to meditate. 10 minutes a day, just in my living room. With no sound, the only thing I can hear is my refrigerator. It's been so nice. I can feel my mom brain slow down for 10 minutes.

oh boy, I hear Nixon waking up. THATS ALL FOR TODAY FOLKS!

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